
A life well lived is filled with many metaphorical deaths and rebirths. We are constantly renegotiating our dreams, relationships, and long held belief systems, with the hope of letting the old die to a new way of being. The transformative process of the inner resurrection is easier said than done though. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t found themselves ruminating over a failed relationship at some point, or stubbornly holding on to a picture in their head about how something should have turned out. Nostalgia, while beautiful in sentiment, can very easily become a crutch that keeps us spinning in a circle. Endings require a certain amount of sacred surrender. If properly released, they can become portals to new chapters in our lives. We lose ourselves to find ourselves, as the saying goes. Only when we allow things to die, can we experience the transformative power of renewal. We’re forever reaching and changing and shedding and reaching again. Life is an ever-unfolding spiral, marked by continual cycles of growth, transformation, and rebirth. Every cycle growing us deeper into the circle of love.


The Way of the Harmonic Heart


Awakening your extrasensory abilities