Awakening your extrasensory abilities

Everybody has extrasensory abilities: While some people are inherently more gifted in the intuitive realm, it’s also true that everyone has dormant psychic abilities sitting in the periphery of their awareness. The human body is its own antenna, constantly receiving signals and messages from the divine. Interpreting the way your body communicates with you is like strengthening a muscle. We’re receiving these messages all the time, though many people only pay attention when they’re facing danger or a major emotional event in their life.

Hearing your heart’s intelligence: Have you ever noticed that your heart knows things before your mind can catch up with it? The heart is the receiver of infinite intelligence. Our minds are meant to be the co-pilot to the heart, not the other way around. How is your heart receiving any given situation? Does it feel contracted? Open? The intelligence of your heart is far superior to anything your mind can conceive of. Start paying attention to how your heart is sending you information.

Recognizing how you perceive truth: Ask yourself how you know something is true vs a lie. Where does it land in your body? Practice running things by yourself that you already know to be true. How does your body confirm what you know? Then run the same thing by yourself in the opposite way. How does your body respond to the lie?

Understanding the ways intuition speaks through your body: Once you are listening to the intelligence of your heart and are able to discern truth vs a lie, you’ll begin to observe your intuition in more obvious ways through hearing, feeling, seeing, smelling, tasting, or knowing. Often times it will correlate to how you learn. Example: Kinesthetic learners will receive a feeling response. Visual learners will see images in their mind’s eye. Auditory learners will hear words or sentences. With time you’ll realize that you’ve been receiving these messages all along through one or several of these modalities.

Trust your unique intuitive style and work with it: Leaning into your extrasensory abilities is like learning another language. The key is to trust it and cultivate the tools you have available. Remember that it’s a receiving energy vs a seeking energy. If you find yourself driving to know answers, take a pause. Intuition is a passive practice. The answers you receive may not make sense at first. You’re simply allowing and receiving what the divine/your guidance team/God is delivering. Sometimes a response is like a puzzle that will only be able to be solved through your multisensory self. Let answers arrive in their own time. Our bodies are like our own little technological device. The answers are within.




The Frequency of Truth