Liminal Space
Airports have always captivated me. They’re a beautiful microcosm of people in flux, hurrying towards destinations filled with possibility. This midst of transition state, suspended between the comfort of the familiar and the promise of the future, can feel both exhilarating and unsettling. The concept of "liminal space" - the in-between spaces and places in our lives - can be a source of both apprehension and tremendous transformation. As I’ve been navigating my own life changes in the past few months, I’ve realized that we cannot fully control how these experiences reshape us, despite our best efforts. However, there is a beauty to be found in the in-between, where the old makes way for the new, and we find ourselves in uncharted territory. The act of shedding the old can reveal our inner strength and inspire a new sense of purpose. Rather than resisting the unknown, we can lean into the magic of these transitional periods, trusting them to be portals that hold the key to our growth and evolution.